Thanks Dave, good summary. Keep up the fight for us oppressed common men.

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Thanks for the succinct explanation on civics and the attempt to usurp local control. Keep up the good fight.

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Interesting look at how policy/legislation gets made. There was an op ed in the NYT on zoning, including the history of same, and how it "freezes" things in place. Is zoning an example of people on the left and right coming together?


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Hi Rick, I think when it comes to your neighborhood and how you want to spend your free time, and where you and your kids sleep that partisan politics is not much of a factor. Couldn't see the op ed in the NYT. The link just goes to my yahoo account which had nothing in it. Would love to see what they have to say if it isn't behind a paywall.

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Well said, Dave. During the short but out-of-body 3 & 1/2-year period where I worked for one of the state’s ginormous departments, directing a brand spanking new legislatively-created division, I too obtained enough experience and data to have been able to rewrite the sections of the civics texts concerning ”how a bill becomes law.“ I also learned, and effectively put to use, techniques to frustrate, nay constipate several wacky, incomprehensible, and unfunded legislative mandates imposed on my little bureaucracy. That part was fun and saved the state, meaning all us taxpayers, somewhere in the neighborhood of $80 million. Write on, man!

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