Dave, in your closing rant you neglected to mention that we will no longer be able to fly, at least not until airplanes are powered by rubber bands, said bands manufactured from what I don’t know. No flying, no driving, crammed into shoe boxes stacked at least three stories high, probably much higher if one is near any transit stop or station. Can’t wait!

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Mark, you failed to mention that Eveready Batteries are being developed to last longer every day. Our planes won't need rubber bands! We'll be able to fly from DIA to Centennial Airport before needing to change batteries. 😉 Sam Thiessen

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Flying? Driving? What about walkable bikeable neighborhoods that you don't understand. The new slogan is "Get a bike or take a hike."

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Not to worry. Living in a power wheelchair with, wait for it... an electric motor, I am in the vanguard of the sustainability movement!

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Dave, the Democrats have all but destroyed Colorado. The state is barely recognizable from the fine place it was to live just a few years ago before Democrat ballot harvesting, with the helps of Republicans like Wayne Williams, in 2014. Now we've become a state where more people are leaving than coming in. Maybe the mass of "immigrants" (illegal aliens) coming over our southern border is just what all Colorado Democrats and too many Colorado Republicans want. Thanks for this glimmer of sanity you present in pointing out the folly of high-density housing development! Sam

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looks like we avoided the issue for now. Maybe it was the threat of a law suit that had something to do with it. I sometimes wonder if this wrangling over affordable housing isn`t a test of how far people are willing to test the limits of common sense. Almost every municipality in the state has a housing authority and programs available to help people into a decent place to live at affordable terms. CHFA at the state level does a good job . Fannie, Freddie, FHA VA, USDA as well. Ralph Wieleba

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